The thought of turning 40 always seemed like a huge milestone. I remember my mom’s 40th birthday when I was a child. There were wardrobe changes, live music, multiple cakes. It was an event! As much as I’m always planning a trip somewhere, my 40th birthday trip was one I’d daydreamed about for a long time.
Once Covid hit and shook up the lives of everyone paying even a little bit of attention, I knew my dreams of an Alaskan wilderness birthday adventure was not in the stars for the big 4-0. Ever the optimist with an insatiable spirit for experiences, I started planning a very intimate, socially distanced camping trip to keep with our new normal of honoring nature around us and finding beauty in the quotidian. What better way to enter a new decade than to wake up to the sound of birds chirping, crickets singing, and an amazing sunrise at the beach, right? Birds sang, crickets chirped, but what I envisioned was just waaaay different than the reality of my actual birthday and the days that followed.
Although I felt incredibly grateful to be healthy and sane amidst the chaos that is 2020, I wasn’t going out like that. My birthday is like New Years to me, and I was determined to feel the feelings I knew I needed to feel and really reset the way I required to start this new year and new season off well. After spending many late nights poring over Airbnb photos and reviews, I found a treehouse cabin in the woods of Pennsylvania and decided it was time for a 40th birthday redo. 40 days after my 40th, I found everything I needed to feel in myself and more, and I walked away from that quiet little carve-out of heaven in the woods with these little nuggets of wisdom on my heart and in my notebook. I’m sharing them, I hope they are good reminders for you as well.
To show up for myself for the next 40+ years I must::
Cultivate a life with a foundation of gratitude
Speak my truth + honor my experiences
Not be afraid to be great
Not be afraid to do the things other people won’t/don’t/can’t do
Eat more veggies and drink more water!
Meditate and pray daily
Exercise for strength and overall wellness
Prioritize getting a good night’s rest
Honor my past while staying present and leaving space for current/future blessings to manifest
Be kind, patient and compassionate towards myself, my son and others, but also take no shit
Get rid of things that don’t add value
Get + keep plants alive
Write daily | take / print photos + share our stories — my stories and other folks
Connect with those who stretch me, uplift me and challenge me + Disconnect from those who discourage and deplete me
Read every day
Sit up straight (my grandma would be proud that this made the list)
Nurture the skin I live in both physically and spiritually
Make my time on this earth count and use all my gifts
Be a breathing manifestation and embodiment of my ancestors’ love, care, hard work, perseverance, and wildest dreams
Let God’s love shine through me in the way that I care for myself, people and the land
Drown out all the stories I’ve previously told myself and acknowledge they’re bullshit stories fed to me by scared people who don’t know who I am or whose I am
Now, it’s time to lean into it and live it!
Here are some additional photos from my bonus birthday week in Beach Lake, PA.